August 11, 2011


( I ) Classification and mode of action,uses,structure activity relationship including physico chemical, steric aspects and recent advances in research of the followingcategories of drugs:

(A) Drug Acting on CNS
  •  General Anesthetics: Stages of Anesthesia , Pharmacokinetic Principles, Theories of the mechanisms.
  •  Hypnotics and Sedatives : Testing and developments of new Hypnotics.
  •  Antiscizure agents: Drugs effective against partial and generalized tonicclonic scizure.
  •  Opiod Analgesics : Endogenous opioid peptides and their physiologic functions, Neurobiology of drug abuse and addiction.
  •  Antiparkinsonian and Spasmolytic agents : Pharmacotherpy of Parkinsonsdisease.
  •  Hallucinogens, Stimulants, and related drugs of Abuse.
  •  Psychopharmacological Agents: Antipsychotic agents, Antidepressants,Anxiolytics.
(B) Drug Acting on GIT :
  •  Laxative
  • Antidiarrhoeal
  •  Anti spasmodic
  •  Antiulcers Drugs.
(C) Drug Acting on Hormonal System:
  •  Insulin and oral Hypoglycemic agents: Etiology of Diabetes, Biochemistry and Pathogenesis of Diabetes, Production of Insulin.
  •  Adrenocorticoids: Mechanism of steroid Hormone action, Development of Adrenocorticoid drugs.
  • Sex Hormones: Male sex Hormones, Female sex Hormones.
  • Thyroid and Antithyroid agents : Biochemistry and Physiology of Thyroid Hormones, Biosynthesis of Thyroid Hormones.
(D) Vitamins
( II ) Principles of Drug Design (Theoretical Aspects). Scientific Aspects of Drug Discovery, Preclinical Development, Mechanism based Approaches (Computer Aided Drug Design and Molecular Modeling)


1. Foye, W.C., Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
2. Wolff , M.E. Ed., Burger’s Medicinal Chemistry, John Wiley and Sons,New York.
3. Hansch, C., Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry, Pergarnon Press,Oxford.
4. Delagado, J.N. and Remers, W.A.R, Wilson and Giswold’s Text Book of Organic,Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, J.Lippincott Co.,Philadelphia.
5. Nogrady, T., Medicinal Chemistry-A Biochemical Approach, Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford.
6. Kar, A., Medicinal Chemistry, Willey Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
7. Patrick, G., An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, Scientific Distributors, Mumbai.
8. Malone, Dyson and Purey, May’s Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs.
9. Parimoo, P., Text Book of Medicinal Chemistry, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
10. Thomas, G., Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.

1. Synthesis and Characterization of Methylphenobarbital from Urea.
2. Synthesis and Characterization of Barbital from Urea.
3. Synthesis and Characterization of Nikethamide from Nicotinic acid.
4. Synthesis and Characterization of Pantaprazol.
5. Synthesis and Characterization of Diclofenamide.
6. Synthesis and Characterization of Phenobarbitone.
7. Synthesis and Characterization of Phenothiazine.
8. Synthesis and Characterization of Furosemide from 2,4 dichloro-benzoic acid.
9. Synthesis and Characterization of Levodopa from Vanillin.
10. Synthesis and Characterization of Sulfalene from p-aminobenzene sulphonyl chloride.
11. Synthesis and Characterization of Thioridazine.
12. Synthesis and Characterization of Chlorpromazine.
13. Synthesis and Characterization of Benorilate.
14. Synthesis and Characterization of Parbanic acid.
15. Estimation of Na+, K+, Ca++ ions using flame photometry.
16. To perform the QSAR Analysis by Free Wilson Approach.
17. To determine the regression coefficients for a series by using Hansch and Free Wilson Approach.
18. To determine the correlation between physiochemical properties and biological activity for a series by using Hansch analysis.


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